Finally STAY Consistent with your healthy habits!

Consistency Masterclass

August 24th Noon (PT)

A FREE Masterclass where you’ll get my plug & play framework to stay consistent so that you can finally lose weight!

Ready to STAY consistent with your healthy habits?

Look, I talk to so many people who say their number one challenge when pursuing a weight loss goal – is that they just can’t stay consistent.


They might start off excited and motivated to stick to healthy habits, but somewhere along the way, obstacles come up – they take on an extra project at work, their social life picks up, they have other obligations – and they fall off for a few days, and then, that turns into three months.


If you’ve been after a weight loss goal long enough, chances are you can relate.


I used to believe constant motivation was the key to success and that I just needed more willpower and discipline to stick with my plan.


So many coaches these days preach about making sacrifices and staying disciplined.


“No pain, no gain.”

“No excuses.”

“Stop complaining and start doing.”


That’s a very aggressive approach that focuses on harsh, restrictive protocols and relies on an all-or-nothing mindset.


It’s missing the key components necessary to fit these habits into your actual life and make them sustainable.


This is exactly why I created this FREE Consistency Masterclass.


If you’ve ever struggled to stay consistent, this will change the game for you. You’ll get my complete plug & play framework to get you consistent, EVEN in the face of low motivation and challenging obstacles. You’ll be surprised that it’s NOT about having more willpower or discipline.


If you are really serious about finally losing weight, you have to make a choice right now.


You can either keep believing that motivation and discipline are the keys to staying consistent and inevitably fall off plan every time they wain…


Or you can take this FREE Consistency Masterclass  August 24th at Noon (12 pm ) PT and discover the proven formula to get you more consistent with your healthy habits today so that you can finally lose weight for good!

A proven formula founded in evidence-based practices to finally STAY consistent!

What you'll get...

My plug & play framework to stay consistent EVEN in the face of low motivation and challenging obstacles.


Once you opt-in.

You’ll immediately be sent an email with the details confirming your enrollment. If you don’t receive the initial email within 3-5 minutes, check your junk folder. If you still don’t see it, email me: 


Show up to the Masterclass on August 24th at Noon (12pm) PST!


If you can’t make the workshop you will be sent a replay. BUT! There will be a special BONUS for those who do make it LIVE!

Hi, I'm Morgan!

I’m a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Healthy Mindset Certified Coach, AND Moderation365 Nutrition Consultant.


As a 13yr. Professional Cook turned Nutrition Coach and a 15yr triathlete (4X time Ironman Finisher), I’ve combined my passion for nutrition and movement with helping people.


I’m the founder of The FEED Method, my signature 1:1 Coaching program, to help you optimize your life for fat loss. I’m also the host of “Feed Your Health”, on all podcast platforms! 

#The FEEDMethod

My Philosophy

My personal philosophy –

The FEED Method – starts with  feeding your body, mind, and soul:


Food – Focus on eating REAL food you love.


Exercise – Find your JOYFUL movement and exercise routine.


Environment – Establish and elevate systems and routines to create an environment of support.


Development – Develop self-trust and self-efficacy through building habits with a growth mindset.


Optimize your life for fat loss so you can spend less time losing weight and more time living an EPIC life!

Sign Up Now!

Grab your FREE spot in the Consistency Masterclass August 24th at Noon (12pm) PT where you’ll get my plug & play framework to get you consistent with your healthy habits, EVEN in the face of low motivation and challenging obstacles!