Feed Your Health

Welcome to Feed Your Health, a weekly podcast with your host Morgan E. Shepherd, where we’ll be taking a deep dive into the big dial movers of health, focusing on movement, nutrition, and stress management. You’ll get tangible takeaways, tactical knowledge, and exclusive stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational health journey. Let’s get thriving!

FYH 059 Understanding Self Sabotage

This week’s episode dives into my personal experiences with Self Sabotage. I also share my methods for helping clients recognize their own patterns of self-sabotage and how to start to begin to make a change. I share how the stories your brain tells you are excuses, not facts. This one is a great episode if …

FYH 059 Understanding Self Sabotage Read More »

FYH 058 The Habit Audit – Evaluating Your Current Behaviors

Today I’m talking about the importance of reflection and doing a Habit Audit. When you’re looking to improve your healthy and take on new habits it’s helpful to look at what you are already doing well and learn from your current patterns and behaviors. Welcome to “Feed Your Health,” a weekly podcast with your host …

FYH 058 The Habit Audit – Evaluating Your Current Behaviors Read More »

FYH 057 Notice Your Success

In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss choosing process goals over outcome goals and learning to celebrate those intentional actions as progress and success. I talk about the productivity trap and how we spend too much time focusing on accomplishments instead of just living in the moment. Where can you lean into celebrating changes in …

FYH 057 Notice Your Success Read More »

FYH 056 Why Enjoying the Process Matters

Welcome to “Feed Your Health,” a weekly podcast with your host, Morgan E. Shepherd, where we’ll be taking a deep dive into the big dial movers of health, focusing on movement, nutrition, and stress management. You’ll get tangible takeaways, tactical knowledge, and exclusive stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational health journey. Let’s …

FYH 056 Why Enjoying the Process Matters Read More »

FYH 054 Eating out with Friends, at Events and on Special Occasions

In this episode, I talk about how to navigate situational eating and share some practical tools and strategies to help you keep your health goals in mind even while having a good time! Welcome to “Feed Your Health,” a weekly podcast with your host Morgan E. Shepherd where we’ll be taking a deep dive into …

FYH 054 Eating out with Friends, at Events and on Special Occasions Read More »

FYH 049 How to feel good about your body when pursuing weight loss or muscle gain

Are you struggling with feeling good about changes in your body? In this episode of “Feed Your Health,” I share my experience of feeling large and judgmental about myself because my body is changing. I talk about my previous experience working with a coach, building muscle in the gym, and re-learning how to track macros …

FYH 049 How to feel good about your body when pursuing weight loss or muscle gain Read More »

FYH 043 Top Tools to Stop the Deprivation Indulgence Cycle

In this episode, I introduce the Deprivation Indulgence Scale. I talk about how this happens when you practice dieting behaviors based on extreme restriction. I share my experience with being stuck in this cycle and ending up emotionally eating and having binge behavior. I also give you a bunch of tactical tools you can implement …

FYH 043 Top Tools to Stop the Deprivation Indulgence Cycle Read More »

FYH 040 Reduce Total Mental Load to reach your Weight Loss Goals

If you are overwhelmed by all the dieting rules and health things you think you “should” be doing, and you keep stress eating, late night snacking, or boredom eating and you’re not getting the weight loss results you want, you’re probably over your Total Mental Load Threshold. This week I’m deep diving into talking about …

FYH 040 Reduce Total Mental Load to reach your Weight Loss Goals Read More »

FYH 038 Making healthy eating convenient via Moderation365 with Sabrina Gilbert

I am so excited about this episode. I have the fabulous Sabrina Gilbert on the podcast, and we talk about eating in moderation, understanding your relationship with food, and what balanced eating can actually look like. Sabrina is certified in Moderation365, and we discuss some of the foundations she works clients through on their transformational …

FYH 038 Making healthy eating convenient via Moderation365 with Sabrina Gilbert Read More »

Finding Balance and Prioritizing Self Care with Lisa English

This episode is about finding balance in a busy world and learning to slow down, prioritize what matters and develop the lifestyle habits that can get you losing weight, gaining energy, and feeling confident in your skin. I had a great discussion with podcast guest Lisa English, an NBHWC and Certified Integrative Health Practitioner. She …

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FYH 033 Longevity and Health Impacts for Lifestyle Change with Patricia Hubbard

In this podcast episode, I am talking about longevity and the importance of following programs (or developing habits) that support long-term health. Today I have on special guest Patricia Hubbard, a Nutrition Coach with a background in sports psychology. We discuss everything that goes into creating lifestyle habits so you can do epic shit for …

FYH 033 Longevity and Health Impacts for Lifestyle Change with Patricia Hubbard Read More »

FYH 031 Start Now Or Don’t

You have two choices – spend the last 60 days of this year resting, recharging, and spending time with your loved ones. OR start your weight loss journey now. In this episode, I go over why starting now might make more sense. The holidays are the hardest part of the year – wouldn’t starting now …

FYH 031 Start Now Or Don’t Read More »

FYH 024 Recognizing Triggers & Drains that may lead to Overeating

In this episode, I start with a quick personal story and dive deep into discussing awareness. I cover the different types of awareness and talk about practicing mindfulness to tune into your senses. I define triggers & drains and how you can begin recognizing and anticipating them in your life. This episode is for you …

FYH 024 Recognizing Triggers & Drains that may lead to Overeating Read More »

FYH 019 Consistency and Learning to Love the Process

I’m talking about consistency and sustainable change in this episode of Feed Your Health. I break down what consistency is. I talk about expectation management and how to enjoy the process while still making progress. Acknowledging that this is a lifestyle journey frees you from the pressure of achieving immediate results. Learning something new takes …

FYH 019 Consistency and Learning to Love the Process Read More »

FYH 016 Top 5 Non-Negotiables People Who Lose Weight Do Consistently

This episode dives deeper into the Top 5 Non-Negotiables you should implement if you want to lose weight.  Prioritize Protein  Practice Appetite Awareness Move their body’s CONSISTENTLY Lift Heavy Weights Let go of All-or-Nothing Thinking & See Opportunities for GROWTH. I break each step down into actions and perspective changes you can begin to practice …

FYH 016 Top 5 Non-Negotiables People Who Lose Weight Do Consistently Read More »

FYH 015 The Restrict and Binge Cycle

I discuss the Restrict and Binge Cycle in this episode of Feed Your Health. I talk about what it is, advise navigating away from extremes, and share insight on getting out of the scarcity mindset and into abundance. You’ll hear me talk about how restriction is the old way, and learning to develop self-trust around …

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FYH 010 Top Tips for Surviving EDC – or Any Multi-Day Festival

So excited for this episode of Feed Your Health, where two of my passions come together – Raving and Health. In this episode, I discuss preparing your body and mind for a three-day music festival “glamping” adventure. I’ll share tips and tricks on getting your nutrition on point and treating it like the sporting event …

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FYH 008 Learning through Failure and letting go of Perfectionism.

This episode of Feed Your Health takes a deep dive into ways of thinking that might be holding you back from making progress on your body transformation journey. You’ll hear about the importance of allowing yourself to slow down and learn. Learning something new takes time. I share some examples where my perfectionism got in …

FYH 008 Learning through Failure and letting go of Perfectionism. Read More »

FYH 007 Fitness, Fashion, and Confidence with Kaitlyn Del Duca

This long-awaited episode is finally here! I have on special guest Kaitlyn Del Duca in this episode of Feed Your Health. She’s a certified fitness, nutrition, and fashion specialist. Trigger warning – we talk about eating disorders and car accidents. Kaitlyn shares what got her into coaching, briefing us on her struggles with her thyroid …

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FYH 005 Managing CRPS through movement & the MARS ID Method with Justine Feitelson

Justine is an adaptive and inclusive trainer helping CRPS – Complex regional pain syndrome – warriors manage pain. In this episode of Feed Your Health, you’ll hear Justine tell her story – living life with CRPS, and share how she learned to navigate that tumultuous journey.  This episode has a lot of good nuggets on …

FYH 005 Managing CRPS through movement & the MARS ID Method with Justine Feitelson Read More »

FYH 003 The Importance of Sleep and overcoming Burnout with Irina Macare.

I am so excited to bring you my first guest podcast starring the fabulous Irina Macare. Irina is Certified in Sleep, Stress management, and Recovery. In this jam-packed episode of Feed Your Health, we do a deep dive into the importance of sleep. You’ll hear a breakdown of Irina’s own personal struggles with sleep and …

FYH 003 The Importance of Sleep and overcoming Burnout with Irina Macare. Read More »

FYH 002 Get a handle on Emotional Eating.

In this episode of Feed Your Health, I do a deep dive into Emotional Eating.  You’ll hear a breakdown on Emotional Eating and how the food industry prays on our cravings, perpetuating the issue. I’ll discuss my own relationship with Emotional Eating and what alternative coping mechanisms I choose now. You’ll learn several stress management …

FYH 002 Get a handle on Emotional Eating. Read More »