Do you often get in your own way when pursuing a goal?

You really want to get after this thing but then convince yourself out of it over and over and over again?

Does life and all these “responsibilities” and excuses keep getting in the way?

Listen, I get it. I’m in the same boat. I have been thinking about starting a blog for the past 3 years!

The number of times I have sat down to write something and then stopped because I thought – I don’t know enough, I haven’t done solid SEO research, I don’t know how to follow proper blog formats…

And I’ve literally HALTED in my tracks. 

How often do you do this?

— With things like working out, trying new experiences, picking up new habits, improving your nutrition, or going after creative goals? 

That need to be perfect, to know enough, to do it just right in a certain way – is literally preventing you from doing ANYTHING!

Look, most people, when they’re going after a goal – it’s messy. 
They don’t know what they are doing.
They may make a plan, but then it all goes to shit because we can’t control what obstacles come up.

The key here is to take action.
Build Momentum.
Do the thing.

You get clarity from doing the thing, not from sitting around thinking about it. 

Like yes, visualizing things and dreaming about things absolutely serves a purpose and can be hella valuable.

But to actually make progress in the direction of your goals, you have to take action.
You have to let go of fear and self-criticism and do it anyway.

That little voice that pops up in your head telling you that you are not ready – fuck them.


You will never feel ready.

That’s how it works.
And I’m telling you this from experience.

The number of times I have sat on the sidelines waiting till I felt ready… 
I’ve let dreams slip away because of it.`The number of times I have sat on the sidelines waiting till I felt ready… 

I’ve let dreams slip away because of it.

But when I look back on the times where I have had massive success —

• Training and finishing 4 Ironman Triathlons
• Joining an amateur Ice Hockey team never having skated and then playing for the next 7 years!
• Going after becoming a professional chef and being in the industry for 13 years.
• Starting my own Coaching business from scratch

Each of these paths has been messy AF; I’ve doubted myself over and over again, and I’ve felt like I was failing. 

They say that you can really only see the way the journey connects by looking backward. You can’t know ahead of time how things will turn out. 

So STOP getting in your own way – believing things have to happen in a certain way.

Just start DOING something. 
Start small.
Lower the barrier to entry.

It can look messy. It can feel chaotic and uncertain.
Embrace it.

Surrender to uncertainty.

And take the leap.