Never stress about what to eat again!

Eating for Weight Loss Mini-Course

A FREE 7-day Email Mini-Course, the most effective solution to teach you what to eat for weight loss and give you a tactical jumpstart to finally losing weight! #E4WL

Ready to ditch restrictive dieting, complex recipes and obsessive counting?

Introducing, the Eating for Weight Loss Mini-Course, a FREE 7-day tactical jumpstart for busy overweight humans teaching the most effective way to eat for weight loss, to permanently lose weight. I talk to people all the time who are frustrated with their weight, confused by conflicting diet information, asking me how to eat for weight loss. I’ve seen so many waste their time, money, and effort focusing on restrictive diets, complex recipes, and obsessive counting. When these methods are unsustainable, they end up back where they started.


I felt obligated to create this mini-course addressing how to eat to promote long-term weight loss because nobody else was doing this. To finally lose weight, you need permanent habit change; to know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to handle difficult situations. E4WL is the ultimate solution to get you off the quick-fix hamster wheel because it breaks down the process into easy steps, jumpstarting your weight loss, getting you the results you deserve.


What most people miss is that restrictive diets and obsessive counting leave you unable to handle life after weight loss. Other coaches get you on a super restrictive diet or obsessively counting macros. You lose weight because macro counting works. But when their program is over, you haven’t developed the healthy habits to keep it off, and you have no foundational knowledge on what your body needs and what is healthy. Left on your own to figure it out, you gain ALL the weight back, berating yourself when you fail. You can’t constantly be on/off a diet. You eat for life, not just 12 weeks of a program.


I’m super excited to announce my FREE 7-day Mini-Course Eating for Weight Loss that will give you the exact habits you need to begin your permanent transformation. Delivering high-quality education and daily homework assignments; this training is a chance to implement tactical changes that support your weight loss. Achieve a week of Wins so that three months from now these tactics become habits and you have the confidence and self-trust to know exactly how to eat to keep the weight off. Get one step closer to being back in your favorite pair of jeans (or sweatpants because who wears jeans anymore!). Click to register; let’s get started!

#E4WL is the best solution to get you a tactical jumpstart on your weight loss!

What you'll get...

You’ll be receiving 7 powerful coaching emails where I’ll be sharing:

  • Habits I’ve been doing for years that I teach all my clients to get them losing weight.
  • Tactical knowledge on what to eat for weight loss and steps to implement.
  • Skills for listening to your body’s signals and getting in tune with what it needs.
  • How-to’s on structuring your meals and proper portioning.
  • Strategies to handle difficult food situations to keep a level head when you’re tired, emotional, or depleted.
  • The foundations for taking the stress out of eating and developing a mindset grounded in self-trust so you never have to worry about your weight again.

Once you opt-in.

You’ll immediately be sent a confirmation email. Be sure to confirm your enrollment so you don’t miss anything. If you don’t receive the initial email within 3-5 minutes, check your Junk folder. If you still don’t see it, email me 


Stay accountable.

You can post about your progress on IG and tag me: @morgan.e.shepherd And/Or use the hashtag #E4WL so I can see your posts, give you some social media love, and cheer you on. Keep yourself accountable by checking in.


Show up daily and then KEEP Going.

One big reason I created the Eating for Weight Loss Mini-Course was to help you create a show of evidence that you can do this. I want you to build momentum, get some quick wins and then continue long after the course is over. These are changes you can make to keep the weight off for life!

Hi, I'm Morgan!

I’m the founder of The FEED Method, my signature 1:1 Coaching program, a personalized approach to weight loss, stress management, and overall wellbeing specific to you, your needs, and your circumstances.

#The FEEDMethod

My Credentials...

I struggled with my body all through high school and college, jumping on and off diet trends and exercise routines. In 2007, I became absurdly passionate about triathlon. Now, I’m a 15 year, 4x Ironman, triathlete veteran and I hope to still be racing when I’m 80! Being an athlete sparked my interest in nutrition so I put myself into Culinary School.


After being a chef for 13 years, I decided to take my passion for nutrition and movement and help others achieve their own body transformations. My mission is to help one person, in some capacity, every day, get one step closer to optimal health. As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC), I help busy stressed humans struggling with their weight – sustainably lose the weight, reduce stress, and THRIVE!

Last Chance...

Grab your FREE 7-day email mini-course with tactical solutions and strategies to teach you what to eat, how to eat, and how to handle those challenging moments that life throws at you. Designed to jumpstart your weight loss without restrictive diets, complex recipes, or obsessive counting and delivered straight to your inbox, you’ll get valuable knowledge and homework to push you to the next level!